An heir of David (1, Ps) and son of Joseph and Mary (3b), Jesus brings forgiveness (3a) through the gift of faith (2). Joseph: honored on 19 March since the end of the 10th c; declared Patron of the Universal Church in 1870 by Pope Pius IX and Guardian of the Redeemer in 1989 by Pope John Paul II; patron of workers, carpenters, and of fathers; also of Austria, Belgium, Bohemia, Canada, Mexico, Peru, and (south) Vietnam; mentioned in the Eucharistic Prayers I–IV. 2 Sm 7:4–5a, 12–14a, 16 Ps 89:2–5, 27, 29 Rom 4:13, 16–18, 22 Mt 1:16, 18–21, 24a